Ultimate Guide To Better Life

Sugar – the enemy to our health

Is sugar toxic?

Sugar was once thought to be completely natural because it has been around for centuries. However, it is deserving of the title of one of our health’s most dangerous foes. The issue isn’t restricted to the contents of our sugar bowl or sweets. Almost a quarter of processed foods contain sugar!

“The degree to which the substance destroys the organism concerned” is how toxicity is defined. Toxins are divided into two categories. The first group of compounds includes those that are immediately destructive, such as hydrogen cyanide, which kills you right away. We don’t hesitate to call such substances toxins in this case. Heavy metals, for example, belong to the second group of compounds that cause long-term health damage. Sugar is included in this group.

We’ll use another example if you’re surprised to see sugar in the same row as heavy metals. Alcohol is a calorie source that no one on the planet requires, but it is consumed despite the harm it can cause to the human body. Because of the calories in alcohol, it is not harmful. Long-term and excessive consumption is a problem because we can only process a certain amount of food. When it is exceeded, it becomes toxic to the body.

What happens when I consume too much sugar?

Sugar, which is made up of glucose and fructose, is similar. Fructose is processed in the same way that alcohol is. The human body can only process a certain quantity of fructose, similar to how it can only process a certain amount of alcohol. Even non-drinkers are at risk for type 2 diabetes and liver damage if they consume too much sugar (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). One sweetened drink each day increases the risk of diabetes by 29%. Fruit juices, contrary to popular assumption, also raise the risk.

According to a 2013 study that compared countries based on how much food they consume, eating 150 calories more per day increases the incidence of diabetes by 0.1 percent. This is a small increase, but if the same number of calories came from soda, the incidence would rise by 1.1 percent, or 11 times.

In another study, 43 obese children with the increasingly common metabolic syndrome were given a 10-day diet change. The only change was that sugar was no longer allowed. The fat and protein content were both unchanged. Starch was used to replace sugar in meals in order to maintain the same level of carbohydrates. All metabolic indicators improved after ten days. Diastolic blood pressure dropped 5 points, triglycerides dropped 46%, LDL cholesterol dropped 20%, and insulin levels dropped around 33%.

Sugar has become so common in our diet that we no longer consider it to be a health hazard. This is also supported by the sobering statistics showing a meteoric rise in diabetes cases. It’s worth noting that, as early as the 1960s, the confectionery industry in the United States commissioned research to minimise the link between sugar consumption and fatal diseases. Some countries are considering imposing a special tax on sugar due to the rising costs of treating diseases caused by sugar consumption.

The recipe for health is to minimize the amount of sugar consumed. A ketogenic diet allows you to consume up to 20 grams of sugar per day, while a low-carb diet allows you to consume up to 50 grams per day. Naturally, the less sugar we eat, the better.

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