Malnutrition, as strange as it may seem, could be one of the causes of your weight problems. Yes, you read that correctly. Malnutrition can lead to being overweight. This is not a recommendation to eat more, but rather to choose the foods we feed our bodies wisely. Obesity is caused by a variety of factors, one of which is poor nutrition.
The amount of food consumed, on the other hand, does not correspond to the amount of nutritional status consumed. You can be malnourished even if you eat a lot of donuts every day. What is causing this? Donuts are devoid of essential nutrients. True, they provide a large number of calories, but they are deficient in vitamins and minerals. The majority of foods consumed today are deficient in nutrients. Sugar is a product that does not contain any; it only contains empty calories that cause us to gain weight. Flour has similar properties because it is made up entirely of starch, which is essentially sugar. The same can be said for white rice. Potatoes are almost entirely made of starch. Surprisingly, the peelings are edible. The same applies to white rice as well.
In most of the foods chosen by a great number of people, ingredients such as sugar, potatoes, white flour, or white rice are predominant. Such an eating pattern typically provides two-thirds of the daily calories of most people. The remaining 1/3 is extracted from fats and oils. When the products are of poor quality, such as margarine, processed vegetable oils (corn or soybean), or cooking fat, this is a negative phenomenon. You should pay special attention to ready-to-eat products in stores because they contain a high amount of low-quality fats that are harmful to the body.
Unfortunately, our typical diet very often consists of nothing but empty calories, i.e. sugar, starch, and processed vegetable oils. Vegetables are usually treated as an addition, in the form of a lettuce leaf on a sandwich or an onion in a casserole. Consuming low-nutritional products is a fundamental mistake because, while our food contains a lot of calories, we are not providing the body with what it requires. As a result, we eat excessively, but we become obese as a result of our failure to provide essential nutrients. The most common blunder to avoid is this.
Eating low-nutrient foods isn’t just a cause for concern; it’s also a serious issue. We must understand that such foods deplete the nutritional value of other valuable foods. In the metabolic process, sugar, for example, needs to take some nutrients from our bodies. Furthermore, eating sweet foods can cause a depletion of an essential element called chromium, which is involved in the production of insulin. If you don’t have enough insulin, you’ll have trouble maintaining a healthy blood sugar level.
In summary, the more processed foods we eat, the more nutrients we need to convert them. A diet high in sugar, white flour, and vegetable oil depletes the body’s nutritional reserves quickly, exacerbating malnutrition. Excess carbohydrate consumption, on the other hand, leads to a serious health problem known as insulin resistance.
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